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Incomparable and shared experiences that aim to facilitate, accelerate and incorporate the memories lived together in applications that involve the physical presence of our team within projects with clients or sharing with them the spaces of their own environments._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

Workshop Ephata Solutions | teambuilding, conexão, eventos, palestras e muito mais
Imersão Ephata Solutions | Altos executivos, presidentes, diretores e C-Levels numa só jornada
Laboratórios Ephata Solutions | Resultados práticos e concretos com todos os times e departamentos
Training and Acceleration Events​

Bringing teams together around the acceleration of common goals and specific empowerment around a pain.

Specially designed with the profile of the team and the company with its specific challenges, For each pain, a pain, a unique journey!

High complexity projects

Playful experiences that focus on building bonds, integrating teams, building bonds and aligning strategies.

Team building and integration activities

A break from routine to inspire a new culture and extract the full human potential of teams and individuals for the common good.


Integral and immersive experience around challenges, themes, objectives and strategies that are completed by the construction of useful objects for participants and businesses.

Practical immersion labs
Brainstorming, thinking in pencil

Storm development of possibilities for new discoveries and business opportunities and arrangements.

Trails built to empower, accelerate and integrate individuals, teams and companies around a specific purpose.

corporate training

Our boutique specializes in creating special journeys and programs individually customized for each pain, team, challenge and company.

Construction of special programs
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